package ladspa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


type t

A descriptor.

val descriptor : Plugin.t -> int -> t

Retrieve the n-th descriptor of a plugin.

val descriptors : Plugin.t -> t array

Retrieve all the descriptors of a plugin.

val unique_id : t -> int

This numeric identifier indicates the plugin type uniquely. Plugin * programmers may reserve ranges of IDs from a central body to avoid * clashes. Hosts may assume that IDs are below 0x1000000.

val label : t -> string

This identifier can be used as a unique, case-sensitive identifier for the * plugin type within the plugin file. Plugin types should be identified by * file and label rather than by index or plugin name, which may be changed * in new plugin versions. Labels must not contain white-space characters.

val name : t -> string

Name of the plugin (e.g. "Sine Oscillator").

val maker : t -> string

String indicating the maker of the plugin.

String indicating any copyright applying to the plugin.

val port_count : t -> int

This indicates the number of ports (input AND output) present on the plugin.

val port_name : t -> int -> string

Name of the n-th port.

val port_is_input : t -> int -> bool

Is the n-th port an input?

val port_is_output : t -> int -> bool

Is the n-th port an output?

val port_is_audio : t -> int -> bool

Is the n-th port an audio port?

val port_is_control : t -> int -> bool

Is the n-th port a control port?

val port_is_integer : t -> int -> bool
val port_is_boolean : t -> int -> bool
val port_is_logarithmic : t -> int -> bool
val port_get_default : t -> ?samplerate:int -> int -> float option

Get a sensible default value for a control port.

val port_get_min : t -> ?samplerate:int -> int -> float option
val port_get_max : t -> ?samplerate:int -> int -> float option
type instance

Instance of a descriptor.

val instantiate : t -> int -> instance

instantiate descr freq instantiates the descriptor descr with a sampling frequency freq.

val connect_port : instance -> int -> (float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t -> unit

connect_audio_port inst p buf connects the port p of instance inst to the buffer buf. For control ports only the first value is relevant (the bigarray can be of length 1).

val set_control_port : instance -> int -> float -> unit
val activate : instance -> unit

Activate (i.e. initialize) a plugin.

val deactivate : instance -> unit

Deactivate a plugin.

val run : instance -> int -> unit

Process a given number of samples (which should be smaller than all the buffers given through connect_port.


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