package kappa-library

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Compiled representation of a full Kappa model

type t
val nb_tokens : t -> int
val nb_algs : t -> int
val nb_rules : t -> int
val nb_syntactic_rules : t -> int
val nb_perturbations : t -> int
val domain : t -> Pattern.Env.t
val get_rules : t -> Primitives.elementary_rule array
val new_domain : Pattern.Env.t -> t -> t
val signatures : t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Signature.s
val tokens_finder : t -> int Kappa_data_structures.Mods.StringMap.t
val algs_finder : t -> int Kappa_data_structures.Mods.StringMap.t
val contact_map : t -> Contact_map.t
val counters_info : t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Counters_info.t
val counter_info : t -> int -> int -> Kappa_site_graphs.Counters_info.counter_sig option
val get_alg : t -> int -> Primitives.alg_expr
val get_algs : t -> (string * Primitives.alg_expr Kappa_data_structures.Loc.annoted) array
val get_perturbation : t -> int -> Primitives.perturbation
val get_rule : t -> int -> Primitives.elementary_rule
val get_ast_rule : t -> int -> LKappa.rule
val get_ast_rule_with_label : t -> int -> string Kappa_data_structures.Loc.annoted option * LKappa.rule Kappa_data_structures.Loc.annoted
val get_ast_rule_rate_pos : unary:bool -> t -> int -> Kappa_data_structures.Loc.t
val map_observables : (Primitives.alg_expr -> 'a) -> t -> 'a array
val fold_rules : (int -> 'a -> Primitives.elementary_rule -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val fold_ast_rules : (int -> 'a -> LKappa.rule -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val fold_perturbations : (int -> 'a -> Primitives.perturbation -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val get_alg_reverse_dependencies : t -> int -> Kappa_data_structures.Operator.DepSet.t
val get_token_reverse_dependencies : t -> int -> Kappa_data_structures.Operator.DepSet.t
val num_of_agent : string Kappa_data_structures.Loc.annoted -> t -> int
val num_of_alg : string Kappa_data_structures.Loc.annoted -> t -> int
val num_of_token : string Kappa_data_structures.Loc.annoted -> t -> int
val nums_of_rule : string -> t -> int list
val print_ast_rule : noCounters:bool -> ?env:t -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit

The int is the ast_rule_id

val print_rule : noCounters:bool -> ?env:t -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit

Same as above but the int is this time the rule_id

val print_agent : ?env:t -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit
val print_alg : ?env:t -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit
val print_token : ?env:t -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit
val print : noCounters:bool -> (t -> Format.formatter -> Primitives.alg_expr -> unit) -> (t -> Format.formatter -> Primitives.elementary_rule -> unit) -> (t -> Format.formatter -> Primitives.perturbation -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_kappa : noCounters:bool -> (t -> Format.formatter -> Primitives.alg_expr -> unit) -> ?pr_rule:(t -> Format.formatter -> Primitives.elementary_rule -> unit) -> (t -> Format.formatter -> Primitives.perturbation -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Basic.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Basic.t -> t
val check_if_counter_is_filled_enough : t -> unit
val overwrite_vars : (int * Primitives.alg_expr) list -> t -> t
val propagate_constant : warning: (pos:Kappa_data_structures.Loc.t -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit) -> ?max_time:float -> ?max_events:int -> updated_vars:int list -> alg_overwrite:(int * Primitives.alg_expr) list -> t -> t

propagate_constant updated_vars overwrite_vars env

val fold_mixture_in_expr : ('a -> array list -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val unary_patterns : t -> Pattern.Set.t

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