package alba

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val identity : 'a -> 'a

Identity function

module Void : sig ... end

Module to represent types which cannot be inhabited.

module Unit : sig ... end

Module to represent the unit type.

module Int : sig ... end

Module to represent the int type.

module Int_set : Set.S with type elt = Int.t
module Float : sig ... end

Module to represent the float type.

module Either : sig ... end
module Char : sig ... end
module String : sig ... end
module String_set : Set.S with type elt = String.t
module String_map : Finite_map.S with type key = String.t
module Interval : sig ... end
module String_reader : sig ... end
module Fill_reader : sig ... end
module Char_reader : sig ... end

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