Enhancing the OCaml.org Community Page: Boosting UX and UI Based on User Research

In March, the OCaml.org team at Tarides embarked on a mission to enhance the OCaml.org community pages. After engaging with the OCaml…

26 Jun 2024


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Programming with OCaml's Local Mode | OCaml Unboxed

This OCaml Unboxed episode demonstrates some of the twists and turns you might encounter while programming with locals and introduces the *global modality*. Watching this video might help you learn what to look for when programming with locals! View instructions to get the compiler I use in this video: https://github.com/janestreet/opam-repository/tree/with-extensions Full documentation of locals: https://github.com/ocaml-flambda/flambda-backend/blob/main/ocaml/jane/doc/extensions/local/intro.md

24 Jun 2024

Jane Street - OCaml Unboxed

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Keeping Up With the Compiler: How we Help Maintain the OCaml Language

Not all of our projects have a definite end: a grand culmination of effort and time where we pop champagne and set off fireworks (which is…

19 Jun 2024


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MirageVPN server

17 Jun 2024

Robur Cooperative

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Regions with OCaml's Local Types | OCaml Unboxed

This OCaml Unboxed episode describes regions and the hidden regional mode in OCaml's local types, as developed by Jane Street. It turns out that local parameters aren't really local: they're regional! This explains how some impossible-looking programs actually work. View instructions to get the compiler I use in this video: https://github.com/janestreet/opam-repository/tree/with-extensions Full documentation of locals: https://github.com/ocaml-flambda/flambda-backend/blob/main/ocaml/jane/doc/extensions/local/intro.md

13 Jun 2024

Jane Street - OCaml Unboxed

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