Lwt and Concurrent ML

Programming concurrent systems with threads and locks is famously, even fabulously, error-prone. With Lwt's cooperative threads you don't ha...

28 May 2009

Jake Donham

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Sudoku in ocamljs, part 3: functional reactive programming

In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we made a simple Sudoku game and connected it to a game server. In this final installment I want to r...

12 May 2009

Jake Donham

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Sudoku in ocamljs, part 2: RPC over HTTP

Last time we made a simple user interface for Sudoku with the Dom module of ocamljs . It isn't a very fun game though since there are no p...

04 May 2009

Jake Donham

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Sudoku in ocamljs, part 1: DOM programming

Let's make a Sudoku game with ocamljs and the Dom library for programming the browser DOM. Like on the cooking shows, I have prepared the ...

27 Apr 2009

Jake Donham

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Monadic functional reactive AJAX in OCaml

Yesterday I released three related projects which I've been working on for a long time: ocamljs , a Javascript backend for ocamlc, along ...

23 Apr 2009

Jake Donham

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ocaml 3.11 in testing

06 Apr 2009

Stefano Zacchiroli

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