Encode a URI to String using uri


Web Programming / URL and URI Processing / Encode a URI to String

Opam Packages Used

  • uri Tested with version: 4.2.0 — Used libraries: uri


In order to encode a URI, we use the Uri.make function whose parameters are all optional (except the () at the end).

let uri =
    ~query:["param1",["a";"b"];"param2",["déjà "]]
let () =
  assert (Uri.to_string uri
           = "https://login:password@ocaml.org:8080/search?param1=a,b&param2=d%C3%A9j%C3%A0%20#anchor")

A different approach is to start with a known URI and change some of its components.

The following functions are available: with_scheme, with_userinfo, with_password, with_port, with_path, with_query, and with_fragment.

Except for with_path and with_query, all of them take an option type parameter in order to allow removing that specific component from the URI.

Note: these functions have a first parameter, which is the URI to modify, and a second that contains the corresponding field's new value.

let uri = Uri.of_string "https://ocaml.org/"

let uri' = uri
  |> Fun.flip Uri.with_path "/search"
  |> Fun.flip Uri.with_port (Some 8080)
  |> Fun.flip Uri.with_userinfo (Some "user:password")
  |> Fun.flip Uri.with_query ["param1", ["42"]]

We can also add parameters, one by one or from a list

let uri'' = Uri.add_query_param uri' ("param2",["**"])
let uri''' = Uri.add_query_params uri'' ["param3",["?"];"param4",["&"]]

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