Validate an Email Address using re


Text Processing / Regular Expressions / Validate an Email Address

Opam Packages Used

  • re Tested with version: 1.11.0 — Used libraries: re


An array of sample data for testing.

let emails =
  [| ""
   ; "notAnEmail@jkorg"
   ; ""
   ; ""
   ; ""

Using the Re module from the re package, we create a Perl flavor regular expression and compile it.

let validate_email_re = "[a-zA-Z0-9.$_!]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}"
  |> Re.compile

Using the Re.execp function, we check whether the given regex matches that email.

let validate_email regex email =
  if Re.execp regex email
  then Printf.printf "%s has a valid email format\n" email
  else Printf.printf "%s has an invalid email format\n" email

Let's test this by mapping the function returned by (validate_email validate_email_re) over the emails array.

let () =
  print_endline "Email Verification Results:";
  |> (validate_email validate_email_re)

Now, we check for specific top-level domains in an email. Notice the | operator (regular expression OR) at the end of the pattern

let validate_email_domain_re = "[a-zA-Z0-9.$_!]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[com|org|edu|io|gov|me]"
  |> Re.compile 

Let's test this by mapping the function returned by (validate_email validate_email_domain_re) over the emails array.

let () =
  print_endline "Email Verification Results:";
  |> (validate_email validate_email_domain_re)

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