OCaml Changelog


Read the latest releases and updates from the OCaml ecosystem.

See full changelog


  • Wrap lines in string literals, comments and docstrings
  • Improve char escaping to ascii / uniform hexa / utf8 (#73)
  • Add support for Pexp_new expressions (#76, @smondet)
  • Add support for Pexp_send _ expressions (#72, @smondet)
  • Add options to format chars and break strings (#70, @smondet)
  • Formatting of %ext on if/while/for/match/try/; (#63, @hcarty)
  • Disable formatting with [@@@ocamlformat.disable] (#66, @hcarty)

Formatting improvements

  • Improve sequences under if-then-else with unnecessary but safer parens
  • Improve optional arguments with type constraints
  • Improve let-bound functions with type constraints
  • Improve newtype constraints in let-bindings
  • Improve placement of exception docstrings

Bug fixes

  • Fix missing break hint before comment on sugared []
  • Fix formatting of [%ext e1]; e2 (#75, @hcarty)
  • Fix missing parens around let exception, let module, for, while under apply
  • Fix missing parens under alias patterns
  • Fix placement of attributes on extension constructors
  • Fix missing parens around unpack patterns
  • Fix let-bindings with pattern constraints
  • Fix mutually recursive signatures
See full changelog


  • Check fatal warnings not only in inplace mode


  • Improve doc of --no-warn-error
  • Mention object language not implemented
  • Update documentation of --output

Bug fixes

  • Colon instead of arrow before type for GADT constructors with no arguments (@mbouaziz)
  • Fix some dropped comments attached to idents
  • Fix missing parens around Ppat_alias under Ppat_variant
  • Fix module type constraints on functors
  • Fix broken record field punning
  • Fix broken docstring attachment with multiple docstrings
  • Fix missing parens around application operators
  • Fix missing parens around Ppat_or under Ppat_variant
  • Fix missing/excess parens around Pexp_open under Pexp_apply/Pexp_construct
  • Fix duplicated attributes on Pexp_function
  • Fix missing parens around Ptyp_package under Pstr_type
  • Add '#' to the list of infix operator prefix (@octachron)
  • Do not add space between [ and < or > in variant types
  • Add a break hint before "constraint" in a type def (@hcarty)

Formatting improvements

  • Remove unnecessary parens around Pexp_tuple under Pexp_open
  • Improve single-case matches
  • Improve constructor arguments
  • Remove unnecessary parens around match, etc. with attributes
  • Fix missing parens around constraint arg of variant type
  • Fix missing parens on left arg of infix list constructor
  • Fix missing parens around arrow type args of variant constructors
  • Fix missing parens around type of constraints on module exps

Build and packaging

  • Separate Format patch into ocamlformat_support package
  • Fix test script
  • Unbreak build of ocamlformat_reason.ml (@mroch)
  • Improve opam installation (JacquesPa)
  • Install emacs support via opam package
See full changelog


  • Output to stdout if output file omitted

Bug fixes

  • Fix Ppat_any value bindings
  • Fix missing parens around variant patterns in fun arg
  • Fix position of comments attached to end of sugared lists
  • Fix missing comments on module names
  • Fix package type constraints
  • Fix first-class module alias patterns
  • Fix first-class module patterns in let bindings
  • Fix missing parens around Ptyp_package under Psig_type
  • Fix missing "as" in Ptyp_alias formatting (@hcarty)
  • Fix let bindings with constraints under 4.06

Formatting improvements

  • Improve line breaking of or-patterns
  • Improve placement of comments within pattern matches
  • Improve clarity of aliased or-patterns with parens
  • Improve matches on aliased or-patterns
  • Improve infix applications in limbs of if-then-else
  • Improve final function arguments following other complex arguments
  • Improve consistency of paren spacing after Pexp_fun
  • Improve sugar for Pexp_let under Pexp_extension
  • Improve sugar for newtype
  • Improve first-class module expressions
  • Improve indentation when comments are sprinkled through types
  • Do not add open line after last binding in a structure

Build and packaging

  • Simplify build and packaging, and adopt some common practices
  • Add Warnings.Errors argument for < 4.06 compatibility (@hcarty)
  • Update base to v0.10.0 (@hcarty)
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